Why does my dog smell bad?
Here are six types of your pet's unpleasant odor.
Wet Dog Smell
Have you ever wondered why your dogs still stink after bathing them?
It's because yeast and bacteria thrive in your dog's fur, and you don't notice the odor when it's dry.
Their fur releases odorous compounds when it's wet.
So the next time you give your dogs a bath, dry them well to prevent bad odors.
Bad Breath
Just as humans, our dogs also emit bad breath. Dogs with poor breath could have a tooth infection or eaten something smelly (which just means they need their teeth cleaned).
Bad breath for dogs can also signal diabetes or kidney disease.
When their breath smells metallic, it's best that you consult a veterinarian immediately because it could indicate that your dog may have diabetes.
When your dog is diabetic, he or she can consume a ton of food but still continue to lose weight. Their bodies can't get the nutrients they need, so they produce ketones, which give off that strong metallic smell.
Skin-fold odor
Do you have a pug, bulldog, spaniel, pekingese, or shar-pei?
If so, you'll know that their skin folds are squishy and adorable. You have also probably smelled them.
Skin fold dermatitis, or "stinky skin condition," affects several breeds.
This is different from drying your dog after a bath since skin folds can trap sweat, causing infection and odor.
To avoid this, paw-rents must regularly clean their pet's skin folds with fold cleaners or wipes.
Yeasty Ear Smell
If you smell something funky in your dog's ears like yeast, then it could indicate a yeast infection. Dogs also often get bacterial ear infections, which usually smell far worse than yeast infections.
Those cute, droopy, long ears often cause ear problems and allergies. You may need to get your dog checked for allergies to know what's causing the allergy (i.e., food, pollen, etc.).
Simply cleaning the ears may not be enough, so get your pooch checked.
Gas Bombs
Dogs fart too! Sometimes, their farts are actual gas bombs that can empty a full room.
If your dog's farts smell so bad, it's because they ate something they shouldn't have, such as spoiled food, rotten raw meat, or garbage.
Controlling what your dog eats is not the only way to avoid unpleasant gasses. At times, it indicates a major health problem.
It's best to consult a veterinarian to identify the possible root cause. Some doctors would recommend a change in diet or even a customized meal plan for your pet.
Don't downplay flatulence; it could say something more serious.
Anal Sacs
Some pet owners don't know this, but our dogs have anal glands, also known as anal sacs, and when your dogs poop, they usually expel some.
In rare cases, your dog will aggressively lick or slide its buttocks off the floor to stop itching caused by an infection or an impacted sac.
The sac produces a dark substance that stinks worse than dog fecal matter.
Your vet can help manually squeeze anal sacs to prevent abscesses and other problems that can happen when anal sacs get stuck.
How to Keep Your Dog Smell Fresh and Clean
Regular bathing and grooming can reduce the typical funk.
Bathing dogs once a month is recommended. However, the frequency of baths is dependent on the coat. Long-coated dogs may need baths more often than short-coated dogs.
Dead hair and skin cells can cause odor in a shedding dog, so regular bathing is needed.
You also have to consider the environment where your dog lives. If she or he regularly rolls on mud, then you might need to bathe them more.
Do spot cleaning in between bath schedules as well, especially when your dog has a lot of hair on their face. Some foods may stick to their fur and produce odors.
You can use a few light touches of baby powder or cornstarch to soak up some odors.
You can consult your veterinarian for a possible change in their diet. You can even include supplements in your dog's diet to achieve that silky fur.